Pest Control Services When You Think Mice Are In Your Home

By the time you find visual signs of mice in your home, it is likely that your home is overrun with the tiny creatures. While you might have a cat or two in your home, this isn't going to deter a hardy mouse population from growing in your home once they create a warm nest to live in. With water and food supply, your home can become an oasis for the mice that inhabit the place.

Pests That May Bug Your Lawn

You might be well-versed when it comes to keeping as many pests as possible from coming into your home. Maybe you have sealed off all the tiny cracks and holes you can find around your home and gone out of your way to fix every little tear in the window screens. However, what about your lawn? If you truly want to enjoy your home, then you'll also want to be able to enjoy your yard.

2 Signs That Rodents Have Invaded Your House

If you have a cat or dog and you notice that they occasionally seem to fixate on one particular area, you may wonder what's going on. Yes, pets can occasionally be a little odd and do things like that, but 90% of the time, there is a reason behind it other than your pet just being a little wacky. So, what could be bothering your pet? One thing it could be is a rodent infestation.

What Happens When You Invest in Monthly Pest Control

When you protect your home and property with bimonthly pest control inspections, you are doing more than simply keeping the bugs away. Pest control means removing unwanted rodents, spiders, termites and other destructive pests from your property and keeping them away. Pests can cause damage to your home. Rodents can build up nests in your walls, causing damage to your property. Termites can destroy wood and cost you plenty of money in repairs.